Why do we do this?
Our mission at Chabad is Ahavat Yisrael. We are here for every Jewish Aggie to meet their needs. Spiritual and material.
With a US rate of depression and anxiety in college age students reaching 70% percent, mental health programming is the call of the hour. It is not uncommon for us to receive a call from a student in crisis at 2 am. The phone number that is listed everywhere is Rabbi’s cell phone (979-220-5020) so we can be reached 24/7.
As we have been assessing this emerging need, we have been working to create a comprehensive, well-rounded, preventative and responsive Mental Health 360° plan. This includes collaborating with Texas A&M University resources as well as private mental health professionals. In addition, we spend hours in one-on-one conversation and mentorship with students.
This is just the beginning of our ground-breaking programming in addressing inclusion and mental health on campus. Our mental health first aid training is a partnership with Jewish Family Service of Houston. Look out for more resources and workshops.
We hope that these initiatives will bring light and joy to our students so they can bring their unique light to the world.
We are so grateful to have Dr. Sarah Little as a resource for our students and community as part of our ReJOYvenation 360 program.
Dr. Sara Little, Ph.D.
Dr. Sara Little, Ph.D., has been an educator and a psychologist for over 40 years. Dr. Little began her career as a teacher of young children with learning, attention and emotional problems. She then became a school psychologist, and later went into private practice as a psychologist to work more extensively with children, adults and families. She earned a Master’s of Education degree at the University of Delaware and a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Rhode Island. She has worked with children from infancy through adolescence, in schools, homes and detention centers, and with adults throughout the lifespan, individually, in couples, and in groups. She has trained teachers at Lesley College (now Lesley University) in Cambridge, MA and school psychologists at the University of Rhode Island. Her approach to psychotherapy and personal growth training is grounded in a deep understanding of human development, an awareness of current research and an appreciation of the struggles we humans go through at all stages of life. Dr. Little is licensed as a psychologist in Rhode Island and in Texas.
Full Playlist on YouTUBE
Existing Programs:
we are hosting ShabbaTTogether, as part of a global initiative to bring inclusion and mental health awareness to the community. This program will help to destigmatize stress, anxiety and depression and provide resources and tools to help young Jewish Aggies navigate the challenges of university life.
Some of the highlights of this weekend are Friday night Shabbat dinner at 8:15 followed by discussion and a joyous gathering that we call a Farbrengen.
On Saturday, there will be a workshop on another subject that causes lots of stress and anxiety for young Jewish Aggies - dating. We are bringing the workshop Sober Dating to Aggieland. This workshop has been incredibly well- received
We Need to Be Trained in Responding to Mental Illness
Students And Stress On Campus: Chabad at Texas A&M
Campus Chabad Focus on Silent Disabilities
Students, community remembering Aggie sophomore killed in car crash
Texas A&M's Chabad Jewish Student Center to host mental health awareness initiative
“Chabad at Texas A&M is my home away from home. Whether its Shabbat dinners, soup deliveries, or just needing someone to talk to, Chabad is always there for all Jewish Aggies". -Audrey Zane
So glad I had this opportunity to better prepare myself in the case that those close to me need any support! -Audrey Zane on MHFA
Chabad Jewish Student Center at Texas A&M University has been my home away from home at Texas A&M University. Chabad has given me more knowledge than any textbook could teach me. Through educational classes like the Sinai Scholars program, I have even been able to give meaning to being Jewish in my own way. I have had the gift of traveling to Israel twice on Birthright. Once as a participant and once as a staff member where I gained valuable leadership skills and grew closer to my Jewish Aggie Family. Chabad has even exposed me to programs such as Mental Health First Aid training that not only gave me tools to help others, but also myself.
I honestly do not know if I would have made it this far in school without the love and support of Manya and Yossi . They have been there for me through the ups and downs of college. I have laughed until I cried and cried until I laughed. When I look back on my years at Texas A&M I know that the memories I’ve made at Chabad will be at the forefront of my mind. I'll never forget the matzah ball soup, cold brew, or welcoming feeling I get every time I walk in the door. -Beth Suttin
This work is absolutely crucial and cannot be done without the support of our partners and sponsors. Please consider a donation of any amount online . Please feel free to contact us to see how you can help. We are looking to do an unplugged Shabbat at the Ranch.
Student Voices:
"When Sophie passed I fell to the lowest point in my life where I had basically given up hope for myself. It was through the comfort, love, care, understanding, and education, you provide for me at Chabad that brought me back, not only to a state where I was before, but to the highest point in my life that continues to climb to this day". - Joey Fuchs, 2021
“I always had difficulty bringing up the topic of mental health with my friends and family, but now, after participating in the extensive programs through Chabad of Texas A&M’s Mental Health Awareness initiative, I feel like I can. Chabad of Texas A&M has given me the tools to help not only those in my life but myself.” - Beth Suttin
I was surprised that I was able to use the skills that I learned at the MHFA Training at Chabad so quickly. I saw the difference of how this impacted a fellow student - Lazer Eichenblatt
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