
Jewish Aggie of the Week Presents Benjamin Kaplan

Monday, 5 February, 2018 - 4:42 pm

Benjamin Kaplan Jewish Aggie.png 

Jewish Aggie of the Week presents Benjamin Aryeh Kaplan '21 from Alexandria, Louisiana. 

Benjamin is an Animal Science Major in Squadron 20 in the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. "I chose Animal Science because my family maintains a small herd of cattle and it is something that really interests me. This major also allows me to study something interesting while simultaneously completing the prerequisites for medical school".

"What I like most about Texas A&M University, though it may sound cliché, I would say the traditions. The sense of unity that our many traditions offer is truly something you cannot find on any other college campus. In college, it is very easy to slip into an isolated state of selfishness. Traditions like Silver Taps, Muster, and the 12th Man make you pause, take a step back, and appreciate your surroundings."

Benjamin has two older sisters Leah and Shira.

"My favorite Jewish memory is leading synagogue with my dad and having Shabbat dinner with my family every Friday."

When Benjamin is at home, he finds it really relaxing to be outside and get work done around his family's farm.

Benjamin is an active member of the Chabad student board at Texas A&M University. 

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