Jewish Aggie of the Week presents Katie Resnick from Dallas, Texas
Katie is a psychology major, "I chose psychology because I really enjoyed it in high school. I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do after college, so I pursued a degree in psychology because it is applicable to many careers."
Katie has a younger sister named Cammy who is a sophomore at Kansas. #RockChalkJewHawk.
Katie chose Texas A&M for three major reasons: 1) I loved the traditions 2) Everyone was so friendly and nice 3) We had a great Equestrian Team
Katie's favorite Jewish food is noodle kugel! "Manya makes such good kugel!"
"I have so many favorite Jewish memories, but if I had to pick, I would say that it's every Friday Night Shabbat Dinner at Chabad. Every week I look forward to Friday, being able to spend time with my best friends/the Jewish Aggie Family, eating delicious food, and farbrengen all night - I could not think of a more joyous occasion filled with so much love."
Katie went to Israel on Birthright with Chabad during Winter 2015. "The most moving experience I had was visiting Yad Vashem. It was a difficult experience, but one that everyone should go to if they can."
What I love most about being a Jewish Aggie is being a part of the Jewish Aggie Family. We are such a strong, tight knit community, and every Friday Night Shabbat feels like a huge family reunion. There is so much love and I am so grateful for this community that Manya, Rabbi, and the kids have brought together and I absolutely love Girl's Dessert and Discussion. The dessert is delicious, but the conversation is even better.
If you asked anyone in the Jewish Community, what Katie like to do in her spare time they would be able to answer it in less than one second - that is how close our community is! :P "In my spare time I love to ride horses!!"