Jewish Aggie of the WEEK Presents...
Jamie Reedholm!
What is your name?
Jamie Reedholm
Where are you from?
Georgetown, TX
What was your major and why did you decide to pursue such a degree?
Early Childhood Education!!! I want to be an elementary schoolteacher and eventually a school principal.
Why did you choose Texas A&M?
I love being a part of the Aggie Family! The numerous traditions, opportunity for campus evolvement, and overwhelming spirit made the decision to attend Texas A&M an easy one.
Do you have any older or younger siblings?
Yes, two older sisters!
Do you have any animals and do they have any tricks?
Nope! No animals, yet….
What is your favorite book? Why?
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. A book everyone should read at some point in their life.
Where did you go to high school?
Georgetown High School
What is your favorite Jewish food?
What is your favorite food?
What has been your favorite Chabad experience until now?
My favorite Chabad experience until now was my first opportunity to make challah with a group.
Have you ever traveled outside of the United States? If so, where?
Sadly, no.
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Israel, Italy, Sweden.
If you could pick one superpower what would it be? Why?
Flying, nothing could beat a bird’s eye view.
If you had a message for freshmen what would it be?
Get involved! You get out of every experience what you’re willing to put in to it. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.
What do you love most about being an Aggie (I mean you’re always an Aggie)? WHOOP!
The Aggie ring! The connection it creates is unbelievable.
What is your favorite color (think the whole Crayola color scheme)?
In your spare time what do you like to do?
Netflix. I’ve been known to watch the entire season of a show in one day.
Did you prefer living on campus or off campus?
What do you love most about Jewish life on campus?
As cheesy as it sounds…an extended family and a home away from home.