
Aggie Voices: My Aggie Birthright Trip

Monday, 22 January, 2018 - 12:18 pm

sophie airport.jpgHeading to JFK airport to leave for Birthright, I was both excited and nervous. I didn't know many people on the trip, but I knew that I was going to see incredible cities full of rich history. Not only was I surprised by how inviting everyone was, but I also could not believe the beauty of all the places I was able to visit during my time in Israel. I made lasting friendships and experienced the holy land like I had imagined on the day of my Bat Mitzvah when it seemed out of reach.

I think that the Israeli soldiers were an unforgettable addition to our trip.sophie soldier.jpg Each soldier was excited to be there with us and provided insight into the areas we visited. They were particularly fun to have around when we went to the Carmel Market in Jerusalem because they were able to communicate with the shop owners in Hebrew so we could haggle for a lower price. The soldiers also gave us a taste of what it was like to be an Israeli and shared what they could of both their experiences in the IDF and daily life in Israel. The most impactful time we had with them was visiting Mt. Herzl, a national military cemetery. It was then that I grew a deeper appreciation for the members of the IDF as a large majority of the people there lost their lives at the age of myself and the soldiers.

sophie group.jpgThe most memorable day of the trip started with climbing Masada. We were told the stories of the ruins and explored area. The scenery was so beautiful that it felt like I was looking at a green screen. After hiking down Masada we headed over to the Dead Sea. I still could not believe the beauty that surrounded me and the feeling of floating so effortlessly. It truly was a perfect day from the weather to the scenery. We finished the day by driving down to stay in the Bedouin tents where we all got to sleep together in one tent and grow closer as a group while experiencing the beauty of the endless stars and isolation.

Deciding to go on Birthright with Chabad at Texas A&M was a decision Isophie rabbi.jpg will be forever grateful for. Rabbi Yossi always made each day memorable with his jokes, insights, and the Modeh Ani where we all got to share what we were thankful for. I was able to share my experiences with other Aggies that I can see weekly at events. I think there is something truly special about every individual who played a part in the trip which made the once in a lifetime experience even more impactful.

Sophie Pervere is a Sophmore Mechanical Engineering student at Texas A&M University.

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