Jewish Aggie of the WEEK Presents...
Justin Katz!
What is your name?
Justin Katz
Where are you from?
Dallas, Texas.
What was your major and why did you decide to pursue such a degree?
Computer science. I decided to pursue a degree in computer science because computers have always been a passion of mine. I often spent my free time learning to program, and it seemed like a logical step for me.
Why did you choose Texas A&M?
I chose Texas A&M for the tradition and friendliness; there is something about A&M that you just cannot get at any other school.
Do you have any older or younger siblings?
I have one older brother, Jared and one younger sister, Jenna.
Do you have any animals and do they have any tricks?
I have a dog named Pepper, and she doesn't do much besides sit and shake.
What is your favorite book? Why?
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, its humor kept me reading for all 5 books in the series.
Where did you go to high school?
Yavneh Academy of Dallas.
What is your favorite Jewish food?
I really enjoy challah.
What is your favorite food?
Favorite Jewish childhood memory.
I attended Jewish day school for my entire life, so it is difficult to pick one favorite memory.
What has been your favorite Chabad experience until now?
Coming to Friday night services and dinner knowing that there is always a place for me.
What is one thing that would enhance Jewish life on campus?
More involved Jews that would add to everybody's experience here at A&M, people that truly want to be involved in Jewish life.
Have you ever traveled outside of the United States? If so, where?
I have been to Israel 3 times.
Have you ever been to Israel? If so, what was your most significant significance there? (emotional, spiritual, inspiring, funny)
My most memorable experience in Israel would be when I went to the Western Wall on Friday night on the March of the Living. After being in Poland for a week and seeing the atrocities that happened there, being in a place where Jews are happy and thriving is amazing.
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
I have always wanted to visit Japan.
If you could pick one superpower what would it be? Why?
I would really want to be telekinetic, because it would make things so much easier if I didn't have to get up to turn the lights off or move things around my room.
What was the most thrilling experience in your life?
I enjoy roller coasters, so probably going on Mr. Freeze at Six Flags.
If you had a message for freshmen what would it be?
Study hard and make good grades. That's what I am trying to do at least.
What do you love most about being an Aggie (I mean you’re always an Aggie)? WHOOP!
Knowing that no matter where I am, if I see an Aggie, I know that they are always someone I can talk to, just because we are both Aggies.
What has been your most enjoyable class at university thus far?
I really enjoyed my Computer Science 111 class, it was interesting and challenging.
What is your favorite color (think the whole Crayola color scheme)?
Royal or navy blue.
In your spare time what do you like to do?
I like to play video games.
If you could have one wish for anything in the world what would it be?
To have the ability to make more wishes, so that I never run out.
What do you love most about Jewish life on campus?
I love how tight knit and close all of the Jews on campus are, it is a very strong community.