
J-Aggie of the WEEK!

J-Aggie of the Week Presents Franceska Flax!

 Jewish Aggie of the WEEK Presents…

Franceska Flax

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What is your name?

Franceska Flax

What is your major and why did you decide to pursue such a degree?

Animal Science with a certificate in Equine Science, because I have been riding horses and working with them for over 17 years, might as well get paid to do it.

Why did you choose Texas A&M?

For their excellent animal science program. Aggieland is also the best place to be!

What is your favorite book? Why?

I’ve read way too many to choose one favorite book. My favorite authors are Jane Austen, J.R. Tolkein and J.K. Rowling because their use of language is illuminating, they transport you to unknown places or worlds with such beautiful diction and imagery, and you can’t help but fall in love with their characters. I find their books stimulating for the mind and soul.

Where are you from?

Born in London, UK but I grew up in Rancho Mirage, CA.

Where did you go to high school?

Palm Desert High School

What is your favorite Jewish food?

Chaya Posner’s chulent

What is your favorite food?


What is your favorite drink?

Silver Patron….I mean tea.

Favorite Jewish memory? Why?

I don’t have a particular “There was this one time when…”. My favorite part of growing up Jewish was the high holidays because we would dress our very best and go to a fancy hotel for services which would create this massive austere environment. It was intoxicating; I was so overwhelmed by emotion and the music from the prayers, and the best part getting to go under my Tati’s tallit.  

Have you ever traveled outside of the United States? If so, where? Which place was your favorite? For what reason?

I was born outside of the US. I’ve been to England, France, Italy, Holland, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Canada, and Australia. My favorite was Australia though Italy is a close second. I went with my high school; a part of the group called Chamber Singers. We performed there and got to explore Sydney and Cairns. It was so beautiful and exotic I loved every minute of it.

Have you ever been to Israel? If so, what was the most moving/amazing/inspirational experience you had?

Never been, hopefully next summer.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

I would go to Hawaii.

If you had a message for the freshmen what would it be?

Don’t ever get down hearted about not getting anything right the first time, there’s a reason for EVERYTHING.

If you could start university again what would you do differently?

Wish I had started with a good major, shouldn’t have made my decision on university about getting as far away from home as possible.

What do you love most about being an Aggie? WHOOP!

EVERYTHING! I love the school, Aggieland, the traditions, and what it means to be an Aggie. This is a family we are so much more then fellow alumni.

What is your favorite class at university? Who teaches the class?

My favorite class is Ag Economics. Dr. Oral Capps teaches the class. He is a genius, never thought I could ever possibly enjoy econ.

What is your favorite color (think the whole Crayola color scheme)?

Blue sapphire

Do you have any older or younger siblings?


Do you have any animals? Can they do any neat tricks?

I have a german shepherd that will lick you to death, a boxer dog who talks back when being yelled at, a horse who gives kisses when you ask “kiss, kiss” and tap your lips, and then a bunny whom uses a litter box and is really fluffy.

What has been your favorite Jewish activity to date this past semester?

Keeping the laws of a yom tov during the high holidays.

Do you prefer to read the book or see the movie?


What is your favorite movie?

The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the first Harry Potter, and the Italian film “Life is Beautiful”.

In your spare time what do you like to do?

Read, ride horses, and watch Greys Anatomy.

What was your favorite vacation?

Marbella, Spain. It was a week and a half of sunshine, beaches, swimming, tanning, clubbing, and playing tennis.

Do you prefer living on campus or off campus? What would you recommend to freshmen?

Off campus. I hated living in a box trapped. I say if you want the full college experience go for it but I’ll pass.

If you could have one wish for anything in the world what would it be?

No debts or student loans.

What do you love about Jewish life on campus?

It is my home away from home. I feel connected, I know I’m never alone and I don’t have to be afraid of starving to death! 

J-Aggie of the Week Presents Brad Lowenstein!

Jewish Aggie of the WEEK Presents... 

Brad Lowenstein 

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What is your name?

Brad Lowenstein

Where are you from?

Houston, Texas

Where did you go to school?

The High School for Performing and Visual Arts

What is your major?


Why did you choose Texas A&M?

Both of my parents graduated from here and I love being an Aggie

What is your favorite book? Why?

Martin the Warrior because he shows how size does not determine bravery.

Favorite Jewish memory? Why?

My bar-mitzvah because it is when I became an adult in Jewish law.

What is your favorite food?


If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

I would like to visit Ireland

What do you love most about being an Aggie?

The traditions and connections you make

What is your favorite drink?


Paper or plastic?


What is your favorite class?        


What is your favorite color?


Do you have any siblings?

I have a younger sister and brother

Do you have any pets?

I have 3 dogs, 2 cats, a bird, and 2 guinea pigs

What is your favorite movie?

Inglorious Bastards

Do you prefer to read the book or see the movie?          

The movie

What has been your favorite Jewish activity this year at A&M? Why?

My favorite Jewish activity has been guys night. Just hanging out with guys from Chabad has been a blast.

What is your favorite place to visit on campus?

My favorite place to visit is Kyle field on game day. It is an incredible experience for all Aggies.

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, past, present, or future who would it be? Why?

I would like to have dinner with some of the first Aggies so we could talk about how much Aggieland has changed.

 In your spare time what do you like to do?

Either play with my dog or hang out with my fraternity brothers

What was your favorite vacation?


Do you prefer living on campus or off campus? What would you recommend to freshmen?

I prefer living off campus. As a freshman live on campus to be able to meet people, then live off with the ones you have met.

If you could start university again what would you do differently?

Try to join more organizations

If you had a message for the freshmen what would it be?

Enjoy college and make the best of it, it can be the best years of your life

J-Aggie of the Week Presents Delaney Becker!


Jewish Aggie of the WEEK Presents…

Delaney Becker

What is your name?

Delaney Becker

Where are you from?

Dallas, Texas

What is your major?

Allied Health

Why did you choose Texas A&M?

After visiting the Texas A&M campus multiple times, I realized that the tight knit Jewish community along with the gorgeous campus, the friendliest people, and the overall fantastic environment, was the perfect place for me to be.

Where did you go to school?

Plano West Senior High School

What is your favorite book? Why?

Ender’s Game, because I really like sci-fi and it always had me at the edge of my seat.

Favorite Jewish memory? Why?

March of the Living 2013, because it was honestly one of the most powerful experiences I could’ve ever had and it is something I will never forget.

What is your favorite food?

My favorite type of food is Mexican, but my favorite dish is Flank Steak and Rice.

What has been your favorite Jewish activity this year at A&M?

I really like Lunch and Learn because I really don't know much about the Torah parsahs. Now I get to learn about them and how they relate to everyday life. 

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?


If you could start university again what would you do differently?

Join a few different organizations so I meet all different types of people, instead of staying kind of in the same group.

What do you love most about being an Aggie?

I love that I can say “Howdy” to anyone and they will always respond and have no problem stopping to talk to me for a few minutes because we have that “Aggie Bond”

What is your favorite drink?

Water because it is HOT in College Station

What is your favorite class?

My favorite class was Anthropology 205 with Dr. Pepper

What is your favorite color?


Do you have a pets?

Yes, a Yorkiepoo, Zoey who is at home, and my brother’s dog Bailey; living with us in College Station.

Do you have any siblings?

I have a Brother (21 years) and a sister (14).

What is your favorite movie?

The Parent Trap

Do you prefer to read the book or see the movie?

See the movie

In your spare time what do you like to do?

RELAX, exercise, read a book, nap, watch TV

What was your favorite vacation?

Going to Florida because it’s always sunny and beautiful and the beaches are so pretty

Do you prefer living on campus or off campus? What would you recommend to freshmen?

OFF CAMPUS ALL THE WAY. Live off campus, even as a freshman, but make sure you bring a car.

If you had a message for the freshmen what would it be?

I am a freshman, so study hard, have fun later, and be involved in the Jewish life around campus.

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